Saturday, August 17, 2013

Swimming in the Sun

A good friend of mine, Sherry, lives just a few minutes away and has a beautiful pool in her backyard.  She also has 2 young girls about Emily and Bradley's ages and they all get along great.  This summer, we've been fortunate enough to have been invited over a few times so the kids can go swimming in the pool and the Mom's can hang out in the shade and chat!  Usually, my friend Jonnelle joins us with her daughter as well.

Here are some photos that I took while watching the kids splash last week.

Oh Emily - always ready to show off for the camera!

And there's Bradley - couldn't get him to stop swimming long enough for a photo!

Yes!  That's Lucy in the pool!  Check out the cool life jacket I found for her!

She seemed to like the water, but didn't want to stay in too long... 

It's been such a busy summer that it's nice to just sit by the pool with a cup of coffee and watch the kids have fun with their friends!

August 2013

Summer on the Island

The kids and I took a weekend trip to visit David & Tannis at their semi-new house on Whidby Island.  They moved in a few years ago, but we've just never had the chance to go visit until now.  The house is beautiful, they have really done a lot of work to it and it looks great!  Life on the island suits them both well!

The kids had a wonderful weekend!  They got to go on their first ferry ride!  We also enjoyed the annual Loganberry Festival just a few miles down the road from "The Oar House", as Davy calls it!

Enjoy the photos!

It was WINDY on the ferry!

Emily and Lucy checking out the "dog room" and the comfy dog beds!

Emily got picked up at the Loganberry Festival!

Tractor riding!

A bit of soccer in the back yard with Uncle David and Auntie Tannis.

Emily posing in the back yard.  
You can see a bit of the barn that Davy built in the background.  It was the old horse barn that Tannis grew up with, they dismantled it, moved it and are rebuilding it.  The barn is done, but they are still working on the stables.

 I know I had more photos of Bradley from the weekend, but their not moving over from the phone to the computer.. have to figure out this new phone!  Haha!

I do wish that I had taken more photos of the house and property, but, I'll have to remember that for the next visit.

July 2013