Lots of pictures today... couldn't decide!
"I can do it!" Whatever you do, don't try to help him get dressed!
And a little playtime with Daddy before bed
Today's Daisy Meeting was also an impromtu "Patch Ceremony", where Emily received MANY patches and her Official Trefoil WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) Pin. She was SO excited and is SO proud of her new patches
Here she is with her troop leader, Elysha
And here are her new Daisy Petals (the center plus 3 of the 10 petals) and her new Trefoil pin.
The center of the Daisy stands for the Girl Scout Promise, which she has memorized. Each petal stands for a part of the Girl Scout Law. She earns each petal as she learns and acts upon each part of the law. Violet: Be A Sister To Every Girl Scout, this was earned when she went to the Tea Party with the Brownie Girl Scouts. Yellow: Be Friendly and Helpful was earned at her troop meeting and Red: Be Courageous and Strong was earned when she visited the Fire Department.
And, here are the 3 patches that she has earned:
The Tea Party patch for the Tea Party that she went to a few weeks ago, the Girl Scout Week 2011 patch that she earned for wearing her uniform to Church on Sunday, and the Fire Department Visit patch that she earned when she visited the Kennewick Fire Department last week.